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Does Oben Electric offer financing options for its products?
While Oben Electric does not offer financing options, you can apply for a competitive loan with any financing partner to make your EV purchase more affordable.
Related FAQs
How do I get back the subsidy amount?
The subsidy available on an electric vehicle purchase differs according to the state. To claim your subsidy amount, log in to the official EV portal of the state and enter your EV ...
How do I apply for financing with Oben Electric, and what are the eligibility criteria?
Oben Electric does not offer any financing options, but you can apply for a loan with a partner financial institution by checking their loan terms and eligibility criteria.
What is the interest rate or APR (Annual Percentage Rate) for financing plans offered by Oben Electric?
Interest rates or APR vary based on your creditworthiness and the financing plan chosen. Visit the official websiteRead More

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